Today we were visited by Mr Flannery from CAFOD. He told us more about the document which Pope Francis has written, ‘Laudato Si’. In this he states,
“The Earth is God’s gift to us.”
The whole human family needs to work together to care for our common home. How can we do this? We explored how this can be done by turning lights off, recycling and reducing water. We thought about how we would be doing this by planting trees both in our school but also across the world.
Our Remembrance Day Collective Worship
Our word today was Peace.
Collective Worship with Year 2.
The Meaning of the Hail Mary.
Our topic this half term is 'Mary Our Mother'. As part of our learning we have been exploring the true meaning of the Hail Mary, making links to our learning about the Annunciation and Visitation.
We worked in teams to create a freeze frame to illustrate the meaning of our chosen line from the prayer.