
We are a Values-based School

Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

At Holy Family we grow, learn and succeed in the footsteps of Jesus




Welcome to Reception!


We are excited to welcome you to Holy Family Reception! My name is Mrs Marson and I have been Reception teacher for the last 4 years.  At my house, I live with my two children, Mr Marson and my friendly, fluffy cockerpoo called George!  I enjoy making learning fun and engaging and will ensure your child has a purposeful learning environment, in which they can thrive.  


Here, you will find all the information about what your child will be learning throughout the year.


We will also share updates and highlights on Seesaw as we progress through the school year. Our aim is to create a learning environment where children walk in the footsteps of Jesus and follow our school values; Passionate about Learning, Together we Succeed, We care about Respect and Growing our Hearts and Minds.

We look forward to working together to make this year a memorable and productive one. Thank you for your support and involvement.

Recommended Reads
