
We are a Values-based School

Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

At Holy Family we grow, learn and succeed in the footsteps of Jesus


World Book Week- Amazing Africa! 

Our World Book Week theme this year has been focussed around the book- Amazing Africa by Atinuke. Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed getting involved with this and we have applied it to many areas of our learning. We began the week with an African drumming performance. This was a great opportunity to get into the spirit of Africa! We looked at the country, Kenya in Geography and compared how their culture is different to ours. It was so interesting to learn about the Maasai culture! We looked at South Africa as well and touched on the impact of apartheid. The children produced some beautiful letters to send to Robben Island prison in protest for the release of Nelson Mandela! In art we practised our colour mixing skills and produced beautiful paintings of Kenyan sunsets. 


Author Visit!- Fay Evans

Holy Family were lucky enough to be joined by the author, Fay Evans today. She began with an assembly where she talked all about what it is like to be an author and then she shared her book, 'Fred the Fire Breathing Dragon'. Year 2 were lucky enough to get a workshop with Fay where we had the opportunity to be involved in role play to tell the story of Fay's new book, 'Bob's Beard'. We were really inspired by our author visit and watch this space because some of our children would like to be authors themselves when they grow up! 

The Great Fire of London- Our trip to Staircase House


Year 2 have been learning all about The Great Fire of London this half term. To consolidate this learning we went on a trip to Staircase House in Stockport. This is a house which was around in 1666 and is very similar to the houses in London at the time. The house is now functioning as a museum. The children had the opportunity to share everything they already knew about the event with the museum staff, dress up and be involved in role-play, create their own fire mark and have a go at using 'wattle and daub', which is what was used to make buildings at the time. The trip was an excellent opportunity to bring our learning to life as it really felt like we had gone back in time! Take a look at some of our pictures from the trip! 


PE with PSP- Basketball 

This half term our PE learning has been focussed on basketball. We practised our skills of dribbling, passing, making space and communicating with our partners. Yesterday we had the opportunity to apply our learning in a game of basketball. Year 2 have really enjoyed their first half term of PE! 

Black History Month Showcase

Today, Year 2 had the opportunity to go into the hall and admire some of the wonderful work that each class has produced during Black History Month. It was lovely to see all of the amazing things that our friends in other classes had done! Year 2 looked at Rosa Parks and why she was inspirational person. We wrote diary entries as Rosa Parks and thought carefully about how she might have felt on the day when she refused to move out of her seat on the bus. Year 2 began to understand what the word 'apartheid' means. 

Year 2 have enjoyed their collective worship this week. Our word was 'Thankfulness' and Sienna and Alan planned a beautiful worship together.


