Opening Times
School start time is 8.45am and end time is 3.15pm. That is 6.5hours per day or 32.5hours per week. The children have a 15minute break at 10.30am until 10.45am and a 1hour lunch break which varies depending on the class.
Entry and exit through the school is on a one-way system. When you arrive in the morning, please enter through the gate at the left of the car park, Gate 1, (near Daisyhill Close) and exit through the gate closest to the church car park, Gate 2.
Gate opening times are:
Mornings – gates will open at 8.40am with the class doors opening at 8.45am until 8.55am when directed teaching will start. The gates will close at 8.55am. Late arrival children after this time should go to the main office.
Afternoons – gates will open at 3.10pm and close at 3.25pm. Again, if parents are late collecting children, please go to the office to collect
Church Car Park
We do not have any control over the parking restrictions of the church car park. Please advise family members not to park there if they are unsure of the timings. If anyone does receive a fine, this has to be dealt with Parking Eye. We are not able to appeal on your behalf.
The timings for parking are:
Morning parking—8.00am and 9am
Afternoon parking—2.45pm and 3.45pm