Holy Family's Mission Statement and Values
Our Mission Statement is review annually.
The children know that the Mission Statement must be followed by everyone connected with the school community.
From our Mission Statement we have created our four school values; 'Growing our Hearts and Minds', 'Passionate about Learning', 'Together we Succeed' and 'We care about Respect'.
Our Behaviour Policy is based on our School Values.
Holy Family were proud to be accredited as a Values Based School in December 2018. (See report below)
Mrs Davison has worked closely with Kerry Cleary from Values Based Consulting on developing the school values. Mrs Davison has also supported other schools on creating their school values by telling the journey of the development of values at Holy Family Catholic Primary School since 2016.
How has Values Based Leadership changed Holy Family School?
Interview between Linda Davison and Kerry Cleary (VBA Consulting) on how developing values at Holy Family have had a positive impact on Holy Family Catholic Primary School.
Passionate about Learning
As a pupil I will:
· Ask questions if I don’t understand something in class or in my home learning to make sure I know what to do. Take pride in presenting my work and make sure my work is the best I can make it.
· Focus in class and complete work to the best of my ability.
· Do the home learning work my teacher gives me and upload it onto Seesaw.
As a parent I will:
· Make sure my child attends school every day.
· Encourage my child to have the right attitude to learn.
· Make sure my child completes their home learning including reading with them
As a school we will:
· Encourage and challenge children to achieve and be the best that they can be.
· Celebrate achievements with children and let them know how proud we are of them
· Communicate with parents about children's learning through Seesaw and meetings
Together we Succeed
As a pupil I will:
· Come to school every day unless I am too unwell to come.
· Listen to my teacher and all staff in school and pay attention in class.
· Help my friends if they don’t understand something in class to understand it better.
As staff we will:
· Work in partnership with parents to ensure their children grow, learn and succeed at Holy Family.
· Provide opportunities for parents to be involved in the academic and spiritual development of the school.
· Keep parents informed about the progress of their child throughout the year via the end of year report and parents’ evenings in the Autumn and Spring term
· Let parents know if staff have any concerns about their child’s work, progress or attendance and discuss how they can work together to enable their child to improve and grow.
· Discuss with parents any use of the school behaviour policy with their children to enable parents to re-inforce messages about appropriate behaviour at school.
· Keep parents informed about what is happening in the school via Seesaw and newsletters
As a parent I will:
· Work in partnership with staff to help my child to grow, learn and succeed.
· Make sure my child attends school regularly and arrives on time for school.
· Arrange family holidays outside of term time and follow the school attendance policy.
· Read and respond to any information sent home from school.
· Take an active interest in my child’s school life, attending parents evenings and where possible other events and meetings arranged by the school.
· Support the school in its application of the behaviour policy and in actions taken by the school to address issues with behaviour at school.
· Support staff when they suggest trying new things and different ways of working with my child to ensure they can grow, learn and succeed.
Growing our Hearts and Minds
As a pupil I will:
· Following the footsteps of Jesus every day at school.
· Not to be afraid to wobble and fall into the Learning Pit.
· Choose challenges in learning which challenge me and help me to grow and learn.
As a parent I will:
· Support Holy Family in growing the understanding of my child around the Catholic faith.
· Ask my child about their learning at school and support them with their home learning,
· Encourage my child when they want to give up to say, ‘You can’t do it YET, but you will if you keep trying.’
· Celebrate all my child’s achievements, no matter how small.
As a staff we will:
· Provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment for children to learn rooted in the Catholic Faith
· Support children in growing their understanding of their Catholic faith and in the sacraments they undertake at Holy Family.
· Deliver lessons which are stimulating, fun and challenging for all children.
· Focus on ensuring that every child makes progress throughout the year.
· Constantly review how we can do things better at achieve more foe the children at Holy Family.
We Care about Respect
As a pupil I will:
· Follow the school, classroom and playground rules and behave well in school.
· Always tell the truth and let an adult know if someone is unkind to me or to someone else in school.
· Be kind and helpful to my friends and other pupils when they need me. Be a good friend to everyone and do not make anyone feel sad through what I say or do to them.
· Wear the correct school uniform and stay looking smart and tidy when I am in school.
As a parent I will:
· Ensure my child follows all aspects of the school uniform policy, including their hair, uniform and footwear.
· Let the school know if there are any issues or concerns outside of school which may impact on my child and their learning in school.
· Raise any concerns I have about my child and their experiences in school promptly and directly with Holy Family staff and not use social media (including Class What’s App group) as a way of raising concerns about the school or my child.
As staff we will:
· Be fair and equal in our treatment of all children at the school and celebrate diversity and difference.
· Be open and honest with parents where we have concerns about their children.
· Listen to parents and pupils concerns and respond to them respectfully and promptly.
· Challenge any behaviour from children that is unkind or disrespectful to others, applying the school behaviour policy where required.
· Take seriously any incidents of bullying in the school and ensure issues are addressed promptly using the school bullying policy.
· Help children to build their self-confidence and self-respect and to become independent learners.
I attended the DADAH (Diocesan Association of Assistant and Deputy Headteachers) in which Linda led a session on values. I was extremely inspired by the way that values permeate Linda's school, from behaviour policy to recruitment, and in so many other ways. Our school community has worked on our Vision and Aims since and are now committed to living out six core values; the language of these support our school community in living out our mission of 'letting our light shine' in the presence of Jesus.' Sarah Deputy Headteacher
'Thank you for this afternoon, Linda's talk was so inspiring and it was wonderful to hear someone speak so passionately about values and how they have been embedded within their school.' Maria Deputy Headteacher
'Thanks so much for having us today and for all the information you have very kindly shared. It's going to be a great starting point for us.' Cath Assistant Headteacher